Saturday, April 12, 2014

Course Module: CEP 820

My advice to others when designing your own online course module...

I would have to say that my critical design decisions came about as I compared the CMS and LMS sites and used the helpful comparison tool that this course provides.  In doing this comparison, I was able to choose what CMS or LMS was the best fit for my teaching and student learning.  One of the features that I kept coming back to in helping determine which CMS I wanted to use was how user-friendly the course is in terms of navigation and layout.  After choosing Haiku for this reason and many more, I could not have been happier with my choice as I designed my own course module on Haiku Learning.  The ease of using the navigation tools is something that I am proud of, as well as the many additional features that led to the design of my course module.  

It is always important whether face to face or online, to make sure students are aware of the learning objectives and goals.  Whether it be for a particular lesson or entire unit, the “Learning Targets” are identified at the very beginning of each lesson in a very consistent format.  Also, essential questions are highlighted on the “home page” and reinforced throughout the course module.  I wanted to make sure the lessons/articles/media relate to the learning objectives.  I also made sure with some modifications that my assessments/discussion prompts, etc. also related to the content being taught and of course the learning targets.  

Some pitfalls I encountered along the way were at first I tried to use and embed powerpoints, and other media sources that were already created.  However, I found it much more beneficial to develop my own content.  I did my own screencasts, my own powerpoint presentations, as well as my own prezi for my students to view and learn the content.  This way I was able to design these features for my students and make sure they fit my expectations and targeted the content I wanted them to learn, as well as the learning objectives.  My advice to others is to create your own content from the beginning so that it applies to the learning the students are doing and make sure to walk the students through these media sources.  It is also important to make sure the students are aware and in tune with the PURPOSE behind the content and activities in each lesson.  Your students will be more invested when they can relate to the learning that goes on and know the purpose behind the lessons.